MSSD14 Enrollment FAQ

I missed the Choice Window; can I still apply?

Only students that live within MSSD14 boundaries may register outside of the choice window. All choice applications will only be accepted during designated windows.

My child has been placed on a waitlist. When will I be updated on my waitlist status?

Waitlists will be evaluated during the choice window, and status will be communicated to families  with the option to remain on the list or be removed.

Waitlist order is not provided as additional applications with different acceptance priority can change the order.

We moved out of MSSD14 boundaries, do we need to submit a choice application?

Families that move out of MSSD14 district boundaries will be allowed to complete the current school year but will need to fill out a choice application for the upcoming school year.

My child is a choice student, do I need to fill out a choice application every year?

No, once accepted, continuing choice students will not need to submit a new application on an annual basis.

Choice students will be evaluated on a yearly basis following eligibility criteria for continued enrollment.

I have a continuing student(s), do I need to fill out the registration every year?

Yes, continuing/returning for both in-district and out of district students will need to complete the online returning student registration on an annual basis.

This process contains all permission forms that are school year specific. It also verifies that contacts and medical information are current.

When are the Choice Windows for MSSD14?

* Jan 1st through May 9

*July 21st through Aug 29th

*Dates may change due to availability of schools, grades and programs.